La calefacción tiene un nombre, Garbantel

Desde el primer momento recibirá atención personalizada y no tendrá que preocuparse de nada. Todas sus necesidades en calefacción y agua caliente se las resolveremos y para que sea aún más fácil, le financiaremos sin intereses su instalación.
Somos instaladores de calderas en la provincia de Ávila y Segovia.
Contrate el gas y el mantenimiento de su caldera con nosotros y benefíciese de las ofertas y el mejor precio.

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Responsable:Garbantel S.L.
Finalidad:Prestarle el servicio solicitado
Legitimación:Consentimiento del interesado
Destinatatrios:No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.
Derechos:Puede ejercitar todos sus derechos enviando un email a [email protected]
Más información:En nuestra Política de Privacidad

Ce Erre, Oct 18, 2024

Great professionals both in treatment and when working. Javi resolves any questions you have immediately and his years of experience are very noticeable. I recommend them 100% if you are considering changing your installation or installing a new one. Furthermore, we must value a company from Avila with a presence at the state level.

Ana García Rodríguez, Sep 17, 2024

It took us a few years to change the boiler and we were overwhelmed by the mess that could arise. With Garbantel everything has been easy. In terms of administration, Judith, a charming and super friendly person, looks for a solution for everything and always assists you with a smile. Víctor who was the installer, an excellent, very educated professional with solutions for any unforeseen event. A pleasure to have hired you. I also want to thank the engineers Fausto and Rodrigo for their availability and good work. Many thanks to the entire team.

naima akd, Jun 21, 2024

I am satisfied with the service they provide. The advisor is friendly and approachable. She took the effort to communicate with me on WhatsApp in French once she noticed that I don't speak Spanish. The technician was friendly, smiling and professional, he cleaned the boiler and gave me advice on how to use it (we used Google translate to communicate) Thanks to them. I highly recommend them.


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Diseñado por Garbantel
Creado por Garbantel

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Contacta con nosotros a través de:

Email: [email protected]


Telf: 920 25 91 31
Ubicados en: Calle Arévalo 2 de Ávila.


Telf: 921 60 00 10
Ubicados en: Paseo Ezequiel González 34 de Segovia.